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Your search for “cancer” returned 1417 results

Honoring the Veterans in Our Lives

November 9, 2023

In honor of Veterans Day, Nov. 11, UC San Diego Today asked members of the campus community to tell us about the U.S. military service members and veterans in their lives and share messages of gratitude for their contributions to their nation.

2017 Outstanding Graduates

June 1, 2017

…Garcia’s father died of cancer during his second year of college. “During that difficult time, I learned how physicians can influence lives not only through direct clinical care, but also through advocacy and compassion,” he said. Garcia is a member of the UC San Diego School of Medicine’s Program in…

Celebrating the successes of UC San Diego’s most dynamic grads

June 14, 2018

…nut linked to oral cancer globally, while China had the lowest. Thus, she applied to the Fulbright Scholarship with the idea of undertaking a comparative study on betel nut consumption, carcinogenicity and cultural practice in Taiwan vs. China. When Ullah comes back from her research in Taiwan and China, she…

Engineered Bone Marrow Could Make Transplants Safer

May 8, 2017

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed biomimetic bone tissues that could one day provide new bone marrow for patients needing transplants.

Nano Fiber Feels Forces and Hears Sounds Made by Cells

May 15, 2017

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a miniature device that’s sensitive enough to feel the forces generated by swimming bacteria and hear the beating of heart muscle cells.

Renowned Surgeons Launch Acoustic Neuroma Program at UC San Diego Health

November 15, 2017

UC San Diego Health has expanded its treatment of rare brain tumors by launching a specialized program in the diagnosis and treatment of acoustic neuromas and complex skull base tumors. The new program will be led by Rick Friedman, MD, PhD, and Marc Schwartz, MD, internationally recognized authorities on the…

Surgeons Preserve Patients’ Hearing with Innovative Brainstem Implant

April 30, 2018

Patients with rare brain tumors on the auditory nerve now have an option to prevent complete deafness at UC San Diego Health. The device, called an auditory brainstem implant or ABI, fits behind the ear and connects directly to the brainstem. The device enables patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)…

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