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Your search for “biochemistry” returned 525 results

Chemistry Professor Wins National Award

August 24, 2015

Seth Cohen, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Calfiornia, San Diego, has been chosen to receive a 2016 Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award.

Former UC San Diego Professor Wins 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

October 9, 2014

…professor of chemistry and biochemistry at UC San Diego from 1995 to 1998. William E. Moerner, one of three scientists who this week were named winners of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Although he had already laid the foundations for the discovery for which he won his Nobel Prize,…

UC San Diego Biochemistry Touches the Fashion World

February 20, 2020

UC San Diego Biochemistry Touches the Fashion World Design featured in “Behind Mechanisms” uses garments to demonstrate protein folder. Photos courtesy of Jinghan Zong In the world of fashion, inspiration is born from the ordinary and extraordinary—city streets, nature, architecture, culture . . . and biochemistry? For UC San Diego…

UC San Diego Professor Named to the Prestigious Royal Society

April 25, 2012

Jack E. Dixon, PhD, Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and professor of pharmacology, cellular and molecular medicine, chemistry and biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego has been named a foreign member of the Royal Society.

Chancellor to Celebrate Agreement with French Research Agency for Joint Chemistry Center

September 9, 2013

…department of chemistry and biochemistry. CNRS will supplement the facility with additional funds each year, as well as pay for the salaries of French researchers working at the laboratory. The formal agreement is one of more than 35 international partnership agreements that have been signed since Chancellor Khosla last August…

Chemistry Department Recognized for Success in Building a Diverse Faculty

June 22, 2015

UC San Diego’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry ranked second in the nation in a new survey of professorships held by underrepresented minorities, reflecting the progress we’ve made in building a diverse faculty.

Three Physical Sciences Faculty Win National Awards

October 4, 2011

Dimitri Basov, Clifford Kubiak, and Arnold Rheingold win National Awards.

Visualizing a Key Step in How an NRPS Enzyme Produces an Antibiotic

January 6, 2025

…lab of UC San Diego Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Michael Burkart has developed crosslinking tools to trap the enzyme at specific steps, freezing them in place, making them easier to visualize.

UC San Diego Professor Wins Top Academic Prize in Theoretical Chemistry

August 31, 2016

J. Andrew McCammon, a distinguished professor of chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacology at the University of California San Diego, has won this year’s most prestigious university-based prize in theoretical chemistry.

Chemists Create Modular System for Placing Proteins on Membranes

April 20, 2015

With a tag, an anchor and a cage that can be unlocked with light, chemists have devised a simple, modular system that can locate proteins at the membrane of a cell.

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