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Your search for “antibody” returned 209 results

Why the Flu Vaccine Is Less Effective in the Elderly

December 15, 2015

Around this time every year, the flu virus infects up to one-fifth of the U.S. population and kills thousands of people, many of them elderly. A study published by Cell Press on Dec. 15 in Immunity now explains why the flu vaccine is less effective at protecting older individuals. More…

Antibody Breaks Leukemia’s Hold, Providing New Therapeutic Approach

October 27, 2016

…study also shows that inhibiting CD98 with the therapeutic antibody IGN523 blocks AML growth in patient-derived cells and mouse models.

Medtech Meets Cleantech: Malaria Vaccine Candidate Produced from Algae

February 18, 2015

…an immune-boosting cocktail suitable for use in humans, generated antibodies in mice that nearly eliminated mosquito infection by the malaria parasite. The method is the newest attempt to develop a vaccine that prevents transmission of the malaria parasite from host to mosquito.

Q&A: Asymptomatic Testing with Dr. Robert Schooley

August 27, 2020

…to complete. Q. Will antibody testing be available? A. While we have the capability, we will not be focusing on this as it does not contribute to our ability to control outbreaks. While most people do make antibodies after they become infected, most don’t have antibodies when they first become…

Biologists Engineer Algae to Make Complex Anti-Cancer ‘Designer’ Drug

December 10, 2012

Biologists at UC San Diego have succeeded in genetically engineering algae to produce a complex and expensive human therapeutic drug used to treat cancer. Their achievement opens the door for making these and other “designer” proteins in larger quantities and much more cheaply than can now be made from mammalian…

Testing Antioxidant Drugs is Transparent

November 21, 2011

A study using genetically modified zebrafish to visualize early events involved in development of human atherosclerosis describes an efficient model – one that the researchers say offers many applications for testing the potential effectiveness of new antioxidant and dietary therapies.

Vaccine Targets Alzheimer’s Disease-like Characteristics in People with Down Syndrome

January 13, 2016

In the first clinical trial of its type, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS), in collaboration with AC Immune, a biotechnology company based in Switzerland, will test the safety and tolerability of an immunotherapy vaccine that targets Alzheimer’s disease-like…

Why Subvariants of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Accelerated the Pandemic

March 22, 2023

UC San Diego researchers describe why SARS-CoV-2 subvariants spread more rapidly than the original virus strain, and how an early treatment might have made people more susceptible to future infections.

Quest for Edible Malarial Vaccine Leads to Other Potential Medical Uses for Algae

April 19, 2013

Can scientists rid malaria from the Third World by simply feeding algae genetically engineered with a vaccine? That’s the question biologists at UC San Diego sought to answer after they demonstrated last May that algae can be engineered to produce a vaccine that blocks malaria transmission. In a follow up…

UC San Diego Biologists Produce Potential Malarial Vaccine from Algae

May 16, 2012

UC San Diego biologists have produced a potential malarial vaccine from algae, an achievement that could pave the way for the development of an inexpensive way to protect billions of people from the disease.

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