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Your search for “mitochondrial disease” returned 60 results

Transplanted Hematopoietic Stem Cells Reverse Damage Caused by Neuromuscular Disorder

October 25, 2017

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine report that a single infusion of wildtype hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) into a mouse model of Friedreich’s ataxia (FA) measurably halted cellular damage caused by the degenerative disease.

Felipe Medeiros Appointed to UC San Diego Hildyard Chair for Diseases of the Eye

June 25, 2014

…Wanda Hildyard Chair for Diseases of the Eye. The chair is one of three established by a bequest from Ben and Wanda Hildyard to help UC San Diego School of Medicine recruit and retain top faculty members. The bequest provided endowment funds of more than $6 million to establish the…

Faulty DNA Disposal System Causes Inflammation

February 8, 2024

Each cell features mtDNA, instructions that mitochondria use to create energy. When mtDNA remains where it belongs, cells remain healthy. But when it goes where it doesn’t belong, mtDNA can initiate an immune response and inflammation. Scientists have discovered the pathways behind this process.

Blood Testing Identifies Biomarkers of Suicidal Thoughts

December 15, 2023

Researchers from University of California San Diego have found that people with depression and suicidal ideation have compounds in their blood that could help identify people at higher risk of becoming suicidal. They also found sex-based differences in how depression impacts metabolism.

How Mitochondrial Damage Ignites the “Auto-Inflammatory Fire”

July 13, 2022

Mitochondria are self-contained organelles (they possess their own mini-chromosome and DNA) residing within cells and are charged with the job of generating the chemical energy needed to fuel functions essential to life and well-being.

Researchers Identify Characteristic Chemical Signature for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

August 29, 2016

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a mysterious and maddening condition, with no cure or known cause. But researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, using a variety of techniques to identify and assess targeted metabolites in blood plasma, have identified a characteristic chemical signature for the…

The Acute Problem of Chronic Disease

May 10, 2023

UC San Diego physician-scientist explains why all chronic diseases are linked by the underlying failure of cells and the body to heal completely.

In Mice, Eliminating Damaged Mitochondria Alleviates Chronic Inflammatory Disease

April 11, 2019

Treatment with a choline kinase inhibitor prompts immune cells to clear away damaged mitochondria, thus reducing NLRP3 inflammasome activation and preventing inflammation

Marine Plankton Tell the Long Story of Ocean Health, and Maybe Human Too

January 6, 2023

UC San Diego researchers suggest that rising levels of manmade chemicals, accumulating in marine plankton, might be used to monitor the impact of human activity on ecosystem health and perhaps study links between ocean pollution and land-based rates of childhood and adult chronic illnesses.

For ME/CFS Patients, Viral Immunities Come at a Devastating, Lifelong Cost

April 27, 2020

Researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine and three German universities describe an underlying biological basis for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, illustrating how efforts by the body to boost immune system protections can come at physiological cost elsewhere.

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