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Your search for “Women in Medicine” returned 509 results

Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Have Less Bacterial Diversity in Gut

January 23, 2018

Women who have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common hormone condition that contributes to infertility and metabolic problems, such as diabetes and heart disease, tend to have less diverse gut bacteria than women who do not have the condition, according to researchers at University of California San Diego School of…

UC San Diego School of Medicine’s Christopher Glass Joins National Academy of Sciences

May 2, 2017

The U.S. National Academy of Sciences announced today the membership election of Christopher K. Glass, MD, PhD, professor in the Departments of Medicine and Cellular and Molecular Medicine at University of California San Diego School of Medicine.

Older First-Time Mothers Are Also More Likely to Live Longer

November 17, 2016

…average age of a woman giving birth for the first time has risen dramatically in the United States over the past 40 years, driven by factors like education or career. A new study by researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that women choosing to become…

Brain Powered: Increased Physical Activity Among Breast Cancer Survivors Boosts Cognition

September 19, 2017

…to help. University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers report in a pilot study of 87 female breast cancer survivors that an increase in physical activity more than doubled the women’s post-treatment mental processing speed.

Study Finds Testosterone Improves Sexual Activity, Walking Ability and Mood in Men Over 65

February 18, 2016

…researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and 12 other medical centers in the United States have shown that testosterone treatment for men over the age of 65 improves sexual function, walking ability and mood.

YWCA Recognizes UC San Diego Professor Elizabeth Reed as a TWIN Humanitarian

May 11, 2016

Elizabeth Reed, assistant professor in the School of Medicine at the University of California San Diego, was honored at the April 29 YWCA Tribute to Women & Industry Awards (TWIN) as a TWIN Humanitarian. The awards recognize women in a managerial, executive or leadership role for their extraordinary dedication that…

‘End of Men’? Not Even Close, Says UC San Diego Report on Gender in the Professions

March 19, 2013

…after Title IX, the equal-opportunity amendment banning sex discrimination in education, was signed into law – and some exceptionally successful women are making a lot of news. Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is riding high in public opinion, winning straw polls for the 2016 presidency.

Hot Flash: Women Who Start Menstruation and Menopause Later More Likely to Live to 90

July 27, 2016

The number of women living to age 90 in the United States has increased significantly in the past century. Currently estimated at 1.3 million, this demographic is expected to quadruple by 2050. A new study by researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that women who…

Overnight Fasting May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk in Women

April 20, 2015

A decrease in the amount of time spent eating and an increase in overnight fasting reduces glucose levels and may reduce the risk of breast cancer among women, report University of California, San Diego School of Medicine researchers in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

Acute Glaucoma Discovered to be an Inflammatory Disease

July 14, 2014

…at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Sun Yat-sen University in China have shown that acute glaucoma in mice is largely an inflammatory disease and that high pressure in the eye causes vision loss by setting in motion an inflammatory response similar to that evoked by…

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