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Your search for “Wearables” returned 193 results

2019 Outstanding Graduates

June 13, 2019

…depression. They developed a wearable device that would be available to low-cost to families most affected by PMADs. Using haptic feedback, also known as touch feedback, the devices connect mother and baby through heartbeat. The wearables are designed as a sock for the baby and blanket for the mother, and…

UC San Diego Names Computer Engineer to Fratamico Endowed Chair

September 19, 2016

CSE Prof. Tajana Rosing is the inaugural holder of an academic chair endowed in 2012 by John J. and Susan M. Fratamico to promote scholarship in fields including engineering and the life sciences.

Qualcomm Institute-based Startup Receives Funding to Continue Development of Opioid Sensor

August 6, 2020

CARI Therapeutics has received additional funding from the National Institute of Drug Abuse to refine their tiny implantable biosensor that could help combat the deadly and destructive opioid crisis in the United States.

Conference for African-American Researchers in Mathematics Connects Students to Mentors

July 30, 2013

For Lauren Crudup, a third-year bioengineering student at the University of California, San Diego, the Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences (CAARMS) presented a unique opportunity to learn just how applicable mathematics is in the real-world—especially compared to the pure mathematics she learned in high school and earlier…

The Basement Celebrates Student Entrepreneurship with Demo Day-Pitch Competition 2024

June 11, 2024

Discover the recent student innovations and awards presented at this year’s Demo Day and Pitch Competition, hosted by The Basement under the Office of Innovation and Commercialization at the Design and Innovation Building on May 23, 2024.

Bringing Power of Prevention, Diagnosis to the People

October 22, 2012

“A Mercedes Benz isn’t designed to function in the Sahara Desert,” notes Dr. Eliah Aronoff-Spencer of the University of California, San Diego. “So why are we designing medical equipment for developing countries the same way we do for developed ones?”

UC San Diego Alumnus Gives $30 Million to UC San Diego

November 30, 2017

…collaborations are already happening. Wearable technology innovators, for example, are working with battery researchers who characterize and modify materials at the nano-scale. One outcome of this particular collaboration is Ocella, a flexible, rechargeable battery startup. Ocella is currently being incubated at the Jacobs School through a new technology accelerator run…

Novel Device Measures Nerve Activity That May Help Treat Sepsis and PTSD

November 17, 2022

Engineers and physicians at UC San Diego have developed a device to non-invasively measure cervical nerve activity in humans, a new tool they say could potentially inform and improve treatments for patients with sepsis or post-traumatic stress disorder.

CHO Systems Biology Center Pioneers Efforts to Improve Cell Production of High-Value Pharmaceuticals

April 13, 2017

Optimizing CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cell lines to accelerate biologic drug development is a goal of the CHO Systems Biology Center at the University of California San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. Center researchers are developing new technologies and training the next generation of cell line engineers and systems biology…

Clinical Trial Tests Tattoo Sensor as Needleless Glucose Monitor for Diabetes Patients

April 19, 2018

For Angela Valdez, being diagnosed with diabetes was an awakening. The disorder ran in her family, but she didn’t think it would happen to her. And when it did, she acted by modifying her diet and physical activity. She was doing everything right - almost.

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