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Your search for “Soft Robots” returned 128 results

Thanks to “Flexoskeletons,”These Insect-Inspired Robots are Faster and Cheaper to Make

April 9, 2020

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a new method that doesn’t require any special equipment and works in just minutes to create soft, flexible, 3D-printed robots.

Soft Robots, Tough Problems

May 2, 2024

Robots that can assist physicians during surgery. Robots that can swim. Robots that can grip delicate objects. These were some of the demonstrations on display at Robosoft, the biggest conference in the field of soft robotics, in San Diego this year.

3D-printed Soft Four Legged Robot Can Walk on Sand and Stone

May 17, 2017

…have developed the first soft robot that is capable of walking on rough surfaces, such as sand and pebbles. The 3D-printed, four-legged robot can climb over obstacles and walk on different terrains. Researchers led by Michael Tolley, a mechanical engineering professor at the University of California San Diego, will present…

See, Think, Predict

January 30, 2019

An international team of researchers has developed a perception system for soft robots inspired by the way humans process information about their own bodies in space and in relation to other objects and people. They describe the system, which includes a motion capture system, soft sensors, a neural

3D-printed Robot is Hard at Heart, Soft on Outside

July 9, 2015

…have created the first robot with a 3D-printed body that transitions from a rigid core to a soft exterior. The robot is capable of more than 30 untethered jumps and is powered by a mix of butane and oxygen. Researchers describe the robot’s design, manufacturing and testing in the July…

This ‘Squidbot’ Jets Around and Takes Pics of Coral and Fish

October 6, 2020

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have built a squid-like robot that can swim untethered, propelling itself by generating jets of water. The robot carries its own power source inside its body.

Engineers develop low-cost, high-accuracy GPS-like system for flexible medical robots

May 18, 2020

Roboticists at the University of California San Diego have developed an affordable, easy to use system to track the location of flexible surgical robots inside the human body. The system performs as well as current state of the art methods, but is much less expensive.

Robot Heal Thyself

March 24, 2021

Researchers at the University of California San Diego reporting in Nano Letters have developed small, swimming robots that can magnetically heal themselves on-the-fly after breaking into two or three pieces.

Robots to Help Children Touch the Outside World

September 17, 2020

Robots to Help Children Touch the Outside World UC team developing better telepresence robots, equipped with robotic arms A team of University of California researchers is working to improve telepresence robots and the algorithms that drive them to help children with disabilities stay connected to their classmates, teachers and communities.…

Transparent Eel-like Soft Robot Can Swim Silently Underwater

April 24, 2018

An innovative, eel-like robot developed by engineers and marine biologists at the University of California can swim silently in salt water without an electric motor. Instead, the robot uses artificial muscles filled with water to propel itself. The foot-long robot, which is connected to an electronics board that remains on…

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