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Your search for “Surgery” returned 588 results

Robotic Surgery with One Small Incision, U.S. First

December 22, 2011

On Tuesday, December 20th, Santiago Horgan, MD, chief of minimally invasive surgery at UC San Diego Health System was the first surgeon in the United States to remove a diseased gallbladder through a patient’s belly button with the aid of a new FDA-approved da Vinci Si Surgical System.

Infantile Cataracts are a Blind Spot

December 8, 2021

Pediatric ophthalmologist with Shiley Eye Institute at UC San Diego Health explains why infantile cataracts are more common — and problematic — than most people realize.

Football Fans Team Up for Organ Match

January 8, 2014

In October 2013, Louis Munoz donated one of his kidneys to William Lynch. The organ match would not have occurred without a bit of serendipity and a big love of football. Munoz and Lynch had been childhood friends, but hadn’t seen each other in years – then they found themselves…

Christopher Kane, MD, Appointed CEO of UC San Diego Health Physicians

August 22, 2018

Christopher Kane, MD, has been appointed dean of clinical affairs for UC San Diego School of Medicine and CEO of UC San Diego Health Physicians, effective July 15. In these dual roles, Kane will collaborate with UC San Diego leadership to ensure that UC San Diego Health Physicians achieve the…

Surgeons Preserve Patients’ Hearing with Innovative Brainstem Implant

April 30, 2018

Patients with rare brain tumors on the auditory nerve now have an option to prevent complete deafness at UC San Diego Health. The device, called an auditory brainstem implant or ABI, fits behind the ear and connects directly to the brainstem. The device enables patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)…

New Clinic Provides Comprehensive Care for Digestive Diseases in Westfield UTC

April 18, 2022

UC San Diego Health announces the opening of a new, multi-disciplinary clinic for patients with gastrointestinal and digestive diseases. The state-of-the-art clinic is the first of its kind in San Diego County to offer the most advanced care by a wide range of specialists under one roof.

Training Clinical Engineers

February 4, 2019

UC San Diego’s Clinical Bioengineering course offers undergraduate engineering students hands-on learning experience to solve clinical problems. The course reflects the Institute of Engineering in Medicine’s mission to connect engineers with physicians to produce medical innovations.

First-ever Procedure in Region’s Only Hybrid Operating Room

November 29, 2011

…the future of heart surgery.” Sixty-two-year-old Glen Barnard – who suffered a heart attack seven weeks ago – is the first heart patient to benefit from a new approach in the newly-opened hybrid operating room. “Because of the location of my heart blockages, I was going to have to have…

New Weight Loss Surgery Folds Stomach into Smaller Size

March 9, 2012

Patients seeking a weight-loss surgery that does not require an implanted device or permanent change to their anatomy, have a new clinical trial option at UC San Diego Health System. Santiago Horgan, MD, chief of minimally invasive surgery, and his team, now offer gastric plication, a novel surgery that folds…

Engineering Touch

April 11, 2019

…be used in robotic surgery, for example, as well as in everyday devices, including smartphones that tap back or vibrate when the flashlight turns on, for example. Two students developed a harness to help blind people navigate crowded spaces. The class, aptly named Haptic Interfaces, was taught by Tania Morimoto,…

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