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Your search for “Lecture” returned 590 results

Spotlight on Founders’ Celebration Speakers

October 31, 2011

…Telemedicine Learning Building. His lecture will focus on the proposal to establish the Impact Design and Evaluation Laboratories (IDEL) to integrate economics, political science, and other social science disciplines around the methodology of impact evaluation and design to provide novel analyses of important policy issues and solutions to global problems.…

Making of Modern World Lecture Series to Focus on What It Means to Be Musical

January 10, 2013

Making of Modern World Lecture Series to Focus on What It Means to Be Musical Lineup for “To Be Musical” Lecture Series What makes music musical? Why is music such a potent form of expression? And how does the human brain respond to music? A series of talks by UC…

UC San Diego Lecture Series Explores Legacy of WWI, the ‘War to End All Wars’

October 6, 2014

“World War I and the Birth of the Modern World,” a free public lecture series featuring UC San Diego faculty, launches on Oct. 14 and continues through Dec. 2.

Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown to Speak

March 22, 2012

…Party from 2007 to 2010, will present a free lecture on “Meeting the Millennium Development Goals” at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at the Estancia La Jolla Hotel and Spa across from the campus of UC San Diego.

Helen Edison Lecture Series Highlight Festival

January 18, 2018

Helen Edison Lecture Series Highlight Festival Organized by UC San Diego Extension, two Helen Edison Lecture Series events are an official part of the festival, starting Jan. 20 with a hosted discussion on jazz great Charles Mingus’ historical “Tijuana Moods” album. Moderated by Grammy Award-winning jazz author Ashley Kahn, the…

Educational Vision Technologies Scales Up with Seed Round

June 13, 2019

…and video from course lectures, is launching a seed round of funding to be able to expand into some of the more than 30 universities on their waiting list. Educational Vision Technologies, founded by Monal Parmar, a UC San Diego electrical engineering master’s student and electrical engineering undergraduate alumnus, has…

UC San Diego Visual Arts Partners with Museum of Contemporary Art to Host International Artists

November 5, 2015

…to present the Russell Lecture Series, a program established by the late arts patron and philanthropist Elizabeth “Betty” W. Russell. Images From Judith Barry’s, “Voice off,” 1998-1999 still image from 2-channel video projection, each projection approx. 16’ x 22’,© Judith Barry. Photo: Courtesy of Rosamund Felsen Gallery. This year, the…

UC San Diego Presents Author Rebecca Newberger Goldstein:

January 9, 2015

In her 2014 book, Plato at The Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won’t Go Away, author/philosopher Rebecca Newberger Goldstein imagines what Plato would think, write and say if he were to come to life in the 21st century.

UC San Diego Extension to Present California Historian Kevin Starr

November 5, 2014

Eminent California historian Kevin Starr, long an expert on the state’s growth and influence, will explore how San Diego has expressed its civic ambitions for more than a century through the development of the city’s iconic Balboa Park.

Free and Public Lectures Series at UC San Diego Explores What it Means To Be Human

January 5, 2012

…the Modern World: To Be Human,” a nine-part public lecture series on the campus of the University of California, San Diego featuring some of the university’s preeminent speakers from various academic departments.

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