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Your search for “Institute of Arts and Humanities” returned 1094 results

Language Crafters

April 25, 2013

…and alien tongues discuss art of constructing languages at ‘Linguistics Goes to Hollywood’ Photos by Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications Nobody wore a ridged rubber forehead, or painted their skin Pandora blue. If there were craggy beards and long locks, these seemed more homage to 1960s counterculture than to “Game…

UC San Diego Goes to Washington

March 4, 2021

…Department of Health and Human Services Prior to joining the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Stephanie Akpa served as chief counsel to Senator Elizabeth Warren, where she led a wide-ranging portfolio that included civil rights, criminal justice, anti-corruption and immigration issues. Akpa previously worked as a health insurance…

Surprise, Surprise: Subsurface Water on Mars Defies Expectations

August 18, 2022

…Vashan Wright of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego. Wright and three co-authors published their analysis in Geophysical Research Letters on August 9. “These findings don’t preclude that there could be grains of ice or small balls of ice that are not cementing other minerals…

Titans of Industry, Academia Team Up to Advance Engineering in Medicine

June 10, 2021

…healthcare that would improve human lives. To do so, he had to find an engineer to collaborate with, since physicians and engineers were largely siloed professions at the time. Peter Farrell, founder of sleep-disordered breathing medical device company ResMed, experienced something similar when completing his bioengineering Ph.D. research into treatments…

Richard and Rita Atkinson Donate $150,000 to Boost Scholarships for Black Students

December 3, 2020

…Resource Center’s Student Success Institute and learning communities as well as tutoring at the Teaching and Learning Commons. For 2020 alumna Caitlan Johnson, the TSDF Black Alumni Scholarship Program helped her secure an undergraduate research position that led to a rewarding career after graduation. “Alongside the financial support that the…

Summer STEAM Workshops from Sally Ride Science Junior Academy Reach Beyond State, National Borders

June 3, 2021

…education is a fundamental human right, whether you are in La Jolla, London or Liberia.” The 2021 Junior Academy comes as Sally Ride Science marks its 20th anniversary. America’s first woman in space had retired from NASA and was teaching physics at UC San Diego when she cofounded Sally Ride…

Give and Make

April 12, 2018

…that, “the field of human organ transplantation will arrive in San Diego with the opening of a transplant unit at County University Hospital.” Within a month, the community hospital, operated by UC San Diego, performed the region’s first kidney transplant on a 32-year-old aircraft worker. Marshall Orloff, MD, then chair…

San Diego 2049 Challenges Graduate Students to Solve Tomorrow’s Problems Today

November 29, 2018

…in partnership with the Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination, has launched an innovative new program arming students with the tools of science fiction in order to anticipate and highlight future policy issues. Author and alumnus Vernor Vinge. The program, San Diego 2049, challenges UC San Diego’s graduate students…

Ashoka U Exchange Draws Attendees from 25 Countries to UC San Diego

February 28, 2019

…from medical, environmental and humanitarian perspectives. Mandy Bratton, director of the Jacobs School of Engineering’s Global Ties program who also served on this year’s Ashoka U Exchange Agenda Council, moderated the panel. In addition to discussions by medical doctors, engineers and social scientists on the current immigration situation at the…

Creating a New Kind of Climate Warrior

November 3, 2016

…a researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego may have hit upon just the right combination of technology and financial incentive to thin the haze and lift the lid on a problem causing societal ills on multiple levels. Project Surya, introduced by Scripps climate…

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