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Your search for “Inflammation” returned 377 results

Biosensor Chip Detects Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Wirelessly and With Higher Sensitivity

July 9, 2018

A team led by the University of California San Diego has developed a chip that can detect a type of genetic mutation known as a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and wirelessly send the results in real time to an electronic device. The chip is at least 1,000 times more sensitive…

Researchers Identify Potential Diagnostic Test for Kawasaki Disease

August 6, 2018

…blood test to distinguish KD from other infectious and inflammatory conditions.

For Cystic Fibrosis Lung Infections, How Well Antibiotics Work May be Affected by pH, Oxygen

September 26, 2018

In a study publishing September 26 in Science Advances, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences report that tweaking factors in a cystic fibrosis lung model, such as pH balance and oxygen, helped eradicate pathogenic bacteria while minimizing risks…

Kawasaki Disease: One Disease, Multiple Triggers

November 12, 2018

…in San Diego, the research team determined that this inflammatory disease likely has multiple environmental triggers influenced by a combination of temperature, precipitation and wind patterns.

3D Printed Implant Promotes Nerve Cell Growth to Treat Spinal Cord Injury

January 14, 2019

For the first time, researchers at University of California San Diego have used rapid 3D printing technologies to create a spinal cord, then successfully implanted that scaffolding, loaded with neural stem cells, into sites of severe spinal cord injury in rats.

New Partnership Explores Future Treatments Using Breast Milk and Microbiome

April 29, 2019

Two renowned research centers at University of California San Diego are joining forces to take a deeper look at how components of human milk and the microbiome can change the course of therapeutics for infant and adult diseases.

Five UC San Diego Bioengineering Graduate Students Honored as Siebel Scholars

September 25, 2019

Five UC San Diego bioengineering graduate students working at the interface of biology, engineering and health have been honored as 2020 Siebel Scholars.

Large Study Reveals PTSD Has Strong Genetic Component Like Other Psychiatric Disorders

October 8, 2019

In the largest and most diverse genetic study of PTSD to date, scientists from UC San Diego School of Medicine and more than 130 institutions in the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium found that genetics accounts for five to 20 percent of the variability in PTSD risk following a traumatic event.

Hard to Study Mutations Implicated in the Expression of Genes Associated with Schizophrenia and More

November 5, 2019

Hard-to-study mutations in the human genome, called short tandem repeats, known as STRs or microsatellites, are implicated in the expression of genes associated with complex traits including schizophrenia, inflammatory bowel disease and even height and intelligence.

How Resident Microbes Restructure Body Chemistry

February 26, 2020

A comparison of normal and germ-free mice revealed that as much as 70 percent of a mouse’s gut chemistry is determined by its gut microbiome. Even in distant organs, such as the uterus or the brain, approximately 20 percent of molecules were different in the mice with gut microbes.

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