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Your search for “Hepatitis C” returned 54 results

Discovery Provides Blueprint for New Drugs That Can Inhibit Hepatitis C Virus

March 19, 2012

…that when attached to the genetic material of the hepatitis C virus prevents it from reproducing. Hepatitis C is a chronic infectious disease that affects some 170 million people worldwide and causes chronic liver disease and liver cancer.

Breaking Bad Mitochondria

April 15, 2014

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified a mechanism that explains why people with the hepatitis C virus get liver disease and why the virus is able to persist in the body for so long.

Newly Discovered Cells Regenerate Liver Tissue Without Forming Tumors

August 13, 2015

…at regenerating liver tissue than ordinary liver cells, or hepatocytes. The study is the first to identify these so-called “hybrid hepatocytes,” and show that they are able to regenerate liver tissue without giving rise to cancer.

Viral Switches Share a Shape

October 27, 2014

A hinge in the RNA genome of the virus that causes hepatitis C works like a switch that can be flipped to prevent it from replicating in infected cells. Scientists have discovered that this shape is shared by several other viruses—among them one that kills cancer cells.

Fatty Liver Disease and Scarring Have Strong Genetic Component

October 1, 2015

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine say that hepatic fibrosis, which involves scarring of the liver that can result in dysfunction and, in severe cases, cirrhosis and cancer, may be as much a consequence of genetics as environmental factors.

UC San Diego School of Medicine Launches Hepatitis C Clinical Trials

October 13, 2011

A collaborative partnership between the UC San Diego Liver Center and Antiviral Research Center (AVRC) has resulted in 19 clinical trials for hepatitis C virus (HCV), focused on developing more effective and well-tolerated HCV treatments.

Illicit Fentanyl Use Linked to Increased Risk of Hepatitis C Among People Who Use Drugs

July 30, 2024

Researchers from University of California San Diego and el Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Mexico have revealed a link between illicit fentanyl use and the transmission of hepatitis C (HCV) among people who inject drugs in San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico.

New Study Flips the Script on Liver Cancer

April 12, 2023

UC San Diego scientists find a protein associated with liver cancer may actually be the key to protecting against it. By blocking ferroptosis, a form of liver cell death, the protein prevents liver damage and its progression to cancer.

Repurposed Drug Found to be Effective against Zika Virus

January 25, 2018

…drug used to treat Hepatitis C effectively protected and rescued neural cells infected by the Zika virus — and blocked transmission of the virus to mouse fetuses. Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues in Brazil and elsewhere, say their findings support further investigation of…

New Drug Combination Treats Hepatitis C Patients also infected with HIV

July 21, 2015

…percent of patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) are also infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV). Both blood-borne viruses share the same modes of transmission, but many HCV medications currently have significant limitations due to adverse interactions with HIV treatments. Researchers at University of California, San Diego School…

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