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Your search for “Health Monitoring” returned 590 results

eCOVID Platform Provides Remote Patient Monitoring

May 19, 2020

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a remote monitoring platform for patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 but aren’t in need of hospitalization. The system is being tested by patients in a clinical trial at UC San Diego Health.

Super Low-cost Smartphone Attachment Brings Blood Pressure Monitoring to Your Fingertips

May 29, 2023

UC San Diego engineers have developed a super low-cost 3D-printed attachment that clips over a smartphone’s camera and flash to measure blood pressure at the user’s fingertip. Researchers say it could help make regular blood pressure monitoring easy, affordable and accessible.

Clinical Trial Tests Tattoo Sensor as Needleless Glucose Monitor for Diabetes Patients

April 19, 2018

…Sensor as Needleless Glucose Monitor for Diabetes Patients Dr. Edward Chao is the principal investigator of a phase I clinical trial testing the accuracy of a needleless glucose monitor developed by University of California San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering researchers that adheres to the skin like a temporary tattoo…

A Smartphone’s Camera and Flash Could Help People Measure Blood Oxygen Levels at Home

September 19, 2022

Monitoring the amount of oxygen in your blood could one day be done using your smartphone, shows a study by the University of California San Diego and University of Washington. This could help patients keep an eye on conditions that make it harder to absorb oxygen, such as asthma and…

New Technology is Life-Saving Voice for Premature or Critically Ill Infants

May 10, 2016

A new technology in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at UC San Diego Health is able to predict the risk of life-threatening infections up to 24 hours before they appear in severely premature or critically ill infants. Infection is the leading cause of death in this fragile patient population.

UC San Diego Pharmacist’s Work Helps Save Lives Across the Globe

August 27, 2020

…said the vancomycin therapeutic monitoring program has been instrumental in helping critically ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Le is a faculty member at Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at UC San Diego. She’s also a national leader in developing therapeutic drug monitoring programs for vancomycin—a highly toxic…

Can Current Smartphone Technology Tell You When a Pandemic Might Come Calling?

February 9, 2021

UC San Diego researchers find that an optical tool already embedded in many smartphones can accurately diagnose blood-oxygen levels and help monitor respiratory disease in patients, particularly when they are quarantined at home.

Q&A with Infectious Disease Modeler Natasha Martin

July 23, 2020

…viral transmission is being monitored, and more. To address several of these important topics, we spoke with Natasha Martin, associate professor of medicine at UC San Diego School of Medicine and one of the Return to Learn project leads. As an infectious disease modeler, Martin develops epidemic models that help…

Engineer Receives Award From Energy Department to Advance Concentrating Solar Power Research

June 12, 2018

…an ultra-sensitive infrared camera that can rapidly measure and monitor heat transfer in CSP plant materials and assess their performance over decades of use.

Wearable Skin Patch Monitors Hemoglobin in Deep Tissues

December 16, 2022

A team of engineers at the University of California San Diego has developed an electronic patch that can monitor biomolecules in deep tissues, including hemoglobin.

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