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Your search for “Hands-on learning” returned 308 results

UC San Diego Launches Online Courses with edX to Advance Careers in Data Science

February 28, 2017

…new MicroMasters® program offered via the edX nonprofit online learning destination. Instructors from the Computer Science and Engineering department are leading the effort, and video modules for the courses are being produced in the HD Studio of the Qualcomm Institute.

SDSC Participates in Coursera Global Skills Initiative

September 9, 2015

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego, is participating in a new program to add technology-oriented courses to the online learning network Coursera to better prepare job seekers in the highly specialized tech sector.

Local Educators Selected to Participate in Special Army Leadership Training

November 13, 2013

Two educators from The Preuss School UCSD will travel to one of the U.S. Army’s premier leadership training institutions this week to take part in the inaugural National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and U.S. Army Leadership and Professional Development Symposium. Principal Scott Barton and athletic director Lisa Hawk…

Preuss School Educators to Participate in Smithsonian’s Teacher Innovator Institute

July 10, 2018

Science teachers from The Preuss School UC San Diego – Anne Artz, Shaoni Bandyopadhyay and Ted Kim – have been selected to participate in the Teacher Innovator Institute at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

Preuss Scholars Learn Life-Saving CPR Skills

November 21, 2024

Over 100 seventh-graders from The Preuss School UC San Diego were trained in hands-only CPR by UC San Diego student volunteers from the Revive & Survive San Diego initiative as part of the school’s effort to train all of its scholars.

Preuss School Teacher Shannon Baird Awarded Frontiers in Physiology Fellowship

June 27, 2014

…that provides insight into how to engage students through hands-on science projects.

Local Students Experience Science at UC San Diego

August 21, 2014

…enrichment program that nurtures students’ intellectual curiosity by providing hands-on experiences.

Rady School of Management at UC San Diego Hosts Summer Institute for Emerging Managers and Leaders

July 30, 2015

The Summer Institute is an all-expenses-paid, career-building fellowship for 25, first-year students from historically black colleges and universities and Hispanic-serving institutions across the U.S. The program is in part made possible by the partnership of corporate sponsors.

Problem-Solving like an Expert

August 16, 2022

Learning to become better problem solvers is how several San Diego high school students, as well as high school teachers, spent part of the summer here at the University of California San Diego. The engineering problem-solving course they participated in is part of a larger UC San Diego project to

Faculty and Students Sharpen Skills in Teaching and Learning

February 14, 2023

Since its creation in 2015, The Commons has served a unique purpose at UC San Diego—to help students master the best ways to learn, and to assist faculty and graduate students in enhancing learning outcomes and student experiences in the classroom.

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