March 2, 2012
March 2, 2012 —
In observance of National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, the UC San Diego AIDS Research Institute (ARI) and Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) are sponsors of “A Woman’s Voice/Una Voz de Mujer,” San Diego’s annual women’s HIV/AIDS conference.
November 19, 2015
November 19, 2015 —
The impact HIV/AIDS has had and continues to have in the San Diego community and beyond is the center of the University of California, San Diego’s recognition of World AIDS Day on Dec. 1. The campus will sponsor a number of events throughout the day, including a display of sections…
November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016 —
…of the impact that HIV/AIDS has had and continues to have on the San Diego community, the nation and world. In recognition of the international event day, which was established in 1988, the campus will sponsor a number of free activities open to the public including a display of three…
November 30, 2020
November 30, 2020 —
University of California San Diego has been selected by the NIH to lead and administer an international seven-year, $28-million grant for HIV/AIDS clinical trials.
November 25, 2014
November 25, 2014 —
The University of California, San Diego will honor World AIDS Day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Dec. 1 with a variety of free, public events, including a viewing of portions of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, which is the largest ongoing community arts project in the world.
November 26, 2012
November 26, 2012 —
The University of California, San Diego’s recognition of World AIDS Day will be expanded into a full week from Nov. 26 to Nov. 30 to focus attention on and raise awareness of the impact that HIV/AIDS has had in the San Diego community.
November 26, 2013
November 26, 2013 —
…new HIV infections, zero stigma against those living with HIV/AIDS and zero AIDS-related deaths.
November 27, 2017
November 27, 2017 —
…to the impact of HIV/AIDS has on the San Diego community, the nation and the globe. In honor of the international event, which was established in 1988, the campus will sponsor a number of free activities open to the public including a display of three sections of the AIDS Memorial…
February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015 —
…of five recipients of the 2015 Avant-Garde Award for HIV/AIDS Research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
April 16, 2018
April 16, 2018 —
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has awarded a five-year, $15 million grant to the San Diego Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) at UC San Diego, renewing support that extends back to an original establishing grant in 1994—the height of the AIDS epidemic.