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Your search for “Earth Month” returned 183 results

AWARE: The Most Comprehensive Meteorological Study of Antarctica Ever Undertaken

December 14, 2015

The ARM West Antarctic Radiation Experiment (AWARE) is a long-overdue effort to collect fundamental data in a challenging and remote region where changes in climate have worldwide implications. AWARE principal investigators from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego and Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)…

Climate Change at the Crossroads

March 31, 2016

The Climate Change at the Crossroads series salutes renowned climate scientists at the UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography with three events that will shed light on different facets of climate change.

Growing Green Leaders

April 12, 2018

…Leaders UC San Diego Earth Month Celebration inspires campus changemakers to turn their passion into action They bravely led the way to a new environmental consciousness that awakened communities around the world to the importance of protecting our planet. Naturalist John Muir, activist Dolores Huerta and climate scientist Charles David…

New Study Identifies Mountain Snowpack Most “At-Risk” from Climate Change

March 1, 2021

In a new study, Scripps Institution of Oceanography climate scientists Amato Evan and Ian Eisenman identify regional variations in snowpack melt as temperatures increase, and they present a theory that explains which mountain snowpacks worldwide are most “at-risk” from climate change.

Shooting for the Stars

January 23, 2024

UC San Diego scientists are sending cells into space and health science into the future.

Space Traveler

September 26, 2022

Jessica Meir, PhD ‘09, reflects on her historical mission to space. This story was published in the Fall 2022 issue of UC San Diego Magazine.

Changing Strategies to Save Nature

April 17, 2019

The Institute for Practical Ethics welcomes environmental journalist Emma Marris for a unique and optimistic talk about new methods in conservation during Earth Month celebrations, the second keynote address for the new campus institute.

UC San Diego Ranked 6th in World for ‘High-Quality Science’

November 1, 2017

The University of California San Diego ranked 6th among leading research institutions in the world for “high-quality science,” based on its research publications in highly selective science journals. The global assessment and rankings were conducted by Nature Index, a database of author affiliations and institutional relationships, and appeared in a…

UC San Diego First in Countywide iCommute Challenge

December 3, 2012

The University of California, San Diego placed first in SANDAG’s 2012 iCommute Rideshare Corporate Challenge, which encouraged employees at local companies and organizations to use alternative, sustainable commute choices—including carpool, vanpool, transit, biking, walking, teleworking or compressed workweek—during the month of October.

UC San Diego Dean Awarded Prestigious Meteoritical Society Medal

August 12, 2016

Mark Thiemens, a former dean and professor of chemistry and biochemistry at UC San Diego, has won the most prestigious prize awarded in the field of meteoritics —the scientific discipline concerned with the study of solar system origin, evolution and history.

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