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Your search for “Express Care” returned 568 results

UC San Diego Researchers Selected for IBM Watson AI XPRIZE ® Competition

May 4, 2017

…enable these systems to express those thoughts to humans in real time using natural language,” said Gabriel A. Silva, a professor of bioengineering and neurosciences at UC San Diego, who leads the Center for Engineered Natural Intelligence. “The algorithms we are developing and the engineering we are doing to push…

Q&A with John Wixted

April 17, 2012

…to me that a career in clinical psychology might hold my interest over the long term. So I stayed an extra year at UC San Diego, double-majored in psychology and biology, and volunteered to work in several research labs. I had no interest in research, but all Ph.D. programs in…

Return to Learn Q&A: Fall Student Life

September 10, 2020

…east side of Tapioca Express (which will feature new fire pits and seating areas). Many of the restaurants in the Price Center and Student Center are open for take-out. We will be encouraging students to gather outside—with physical distancing and face coverings—in their study and social groups. Q. What is…

UC San Diego’s Women’s Center Celebrates 20 Years

May 4, 2017

…place to connect and express her voice to discovering social justice and feminism theories and developing leadership skills as an intern. “My favorite part of the Women’s Center is the feeling of calmness and community when you walk in; I never feel like an outsider. It is more than just…

Time Bender

May 22, 2012

…gas gauge in your car, and the icon on your favorite digital device showing battery power. The number line and its cousins—notations that map numbers onto space and often represent magnitude—are everywhere. Most adults in industrialized societies are so fluent at using the concept, we hardly think about it. We…

Surfing the World for Microbes

October 6, 2016

…force behind Kapono’s academic career is a desire to reconcile traditional ecological knowledge with western science. Infused with a body of ancestral wisdom passed down for generations about the Earth and environment, his goal is to build a complementary foundation of scientific expertise from a different perspective. Kopano works jointly…

Five Decades, Countless Memories

September 10, 2020

…The circulation desk and card catalog at the UC San Diego Central University Library, December 4, 1970. Photo courtesy of Scripps Institution of Oceanography Photographs, Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego Library. Summer had come to a close and fall quarter was quickly approaching. Students were beginning to arrive…

Student Life Reignites with Treasured Campus Traditions, New Degrees and Division I Competition

September 30, 2021

…of the culture of caring that our students, faculty and staff embody on a daily basis,” said Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla. “This commitment to each other’s health, combined with our robust Return to Learn strategy that involves masking, vaccination, testing, environmental monitoring and contact tracing, has set a strong foundation…

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