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Your search for “Express Care” returned 531 results

New ‘Split-drive’ System Puts Scientists in the (Gene) Driver Seat

March 5, 2021

New research published in two papers by UC San Diego scientists describes novel achievements designed to make the implementation of gene drives safer and more controllable. The new split drive and home-and-rescue systems address concerns about the release of gene drives in wild populations.

Modifier Gene May Explain Why Some with Cystic Fibrosis are Less Prone to Infection

December 10, 2019

People with cystic fibrosis who carry genetic variants that lower RNF5 gene expression have more mutant CFTR protein on cell surfaces. Even if the CFTR protein isn’t fully functional, it’s better than none, and may explain why some with cystic fibrosis are less prone to infection than others.

Clinical Trial to Investigate whether Hypertension Drug Ameliorates COVID-19 Severity

April 30, 2020

UC San Diego scientists have launched a clinical trial to investigate whether a drug approved for treating high blood pressure might also reduce the severity of COVID-19 infections, lowering rates for intensive care unit admissions, the use of mechanical ventilators and all-cause mortality.

Bioengineer Receives NSF Award to Study Cell Migration in a 3D Environment

December 16, 2016

…awarded a $1.1 million CAREER award to Stephanie Fraley, a bioengineering assistant professor at the University of California San Diego. The five-year award will allow Fraley and colleagues to continue developing a unique and innovative technology to study how cells migrate in a 3D environment. The work has applications for…

Opening Doors for Health Care Providers of the Future

October 10, 2023

To help make health education accessible to individuals from all backgrounds, Vice Chancellor of Health Sciences John M. Carethers, MD, recently announced the Health Sciences Scholarship Challenge.

New Program Teaches Empowering “Anti-Cancer” Approaches for Doctors, Patients, and Loved Ones

March 19, 2013

From Saturday, April 6 to Sunday April 7, the Center for Integrative Medicine at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine is hosting a landmark conference on integrative oncology. Participants will learn what can be done to foster an “anti-cancer” diet and lifestyle to help rectify health imbalances and…

Gene Expression Abnormalities in Autism Identified

March 22, 2012

A study led by Eric Courchesne, PhD, director of the Autism Center of Excellence at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has, for the first time, identified in young autism patients genetic mechanisms involved in abnormal early brain development and overgrowth that occurs in the disorder. The…

UC San Diego Health Expands Primary and Urgent Care Options

October 25, 2018

…Expands Primary and Urgent Care Options Open Enrollment to be held Oct. 25 through Nov. 20 During open enrollment, from Oct. 25 through Nov. 20, employees and retirees may change their coverage or add eligible dependents onto their health insurance. To learn how you can choose UC San Diego Health,…

How Parent and Caregiver Education (PACE) is Building a Community of Pre-College Advocates

December 12, 2023

For more than two decades, UC San Diego Extended Studies Parent and Caregiver Education (PACE) has provided college credit courses to parents and caregivers, focusing on how to support each child in their educational journey, from Pre-K through college and beyond.

Drug Suppresses Spread of Breast Cancer Caused by Stem-like Cells

December 11, 2017

Rare stem-like tumor cells play a critical role in the spread of breast cancer, but a vulnerability in the pathway that powers them offers a strategy to target these cells using existing drugs before metastatic disease occurs, report University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center…

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