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Your search for “Continuous Monitoring” returned 376 results

Wearable Ultrasound Patch Monitors Blood Pressure Deep Inside Body

September 12, 2018

…ultrasound patch that non-invasively monitors blood pressure in arteries deep beneath the skin could help people detect cardiovascular problems earlier on and with greater precision. In tests, the patch performed as well as some clinical methods to measure blood pressure. Applications include real-time, continuous monitoring of blood pressure changes in…

Wearable Sensor Uses Ultrasound to Provide Cardiac Imaging On the Go

January 25, 2023

A new wearable, non-invasive heart monitor for humans provides real-time, automated insights on the difficult-to-capture pumping activity of the heart – and it works even when a person is exercising.

A Giant Leap Forward in Wireless Ultrasound Monitoring for Subjects in Motion

May 22, 2023

A team of engineers at the University of California San Diego has developed the first fully integrated wearable ultrasound system for deep-tissue monitoring, including for subjects on the go. It facilitates potentially life-saving cardiovascular monitoring and marks a major breakthrough for one of t

Using Personal Data to Predict Blood Pressure

October 4, 2018

Engineers at UC San Diego used wearable off-the-shelf technology and machine learning to predict an individual’s blood pressure and provide personalized recommendations to lower it based on this data.

Chemical Sensor Array to Monitor Daily Habits of the Elderly, Detect Anomalies

September 9, 2014

Meanwhile, health care is increasingly moving toward the use of biometric devices – gadgets embedded with wireless sensors – to unobtrusively monitor patients’ health data in real time, from blood pressure and insulin levels to number of steps walked per day.

Q&A with Infectious Disease Modeler Natasha Martin

July 23, 2020

…the fall quarter is continually evolving, informed by the university’s Return to Learn program. We invited students, faculty and staff to submit their questions, including inquiries about the overarching goal of the program, the role of testing in preventing a major outbreak, how viral transmission is being monitored, and more.…

Supervisor Cox, Scripps Scientists, Call for Continuation of Vital Earthquake Monitoring Programs

October 30, 2014

Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego scientists joined San Diego County Supervisor Greg Cox on Oct. 28, 2014, in a call to sustain funding for earthquake monitoring projects designed to provide critical information for the region.

Seventy High-Tech Cameras Installed in Southern California Provide Eyes on Fire Prone Areas

February 28, 2019

…of the cameras to monitor fires, triangulate on the location of fires at their earliest stages, and confirm 911 reports. One of 70 new ALERTWildfire cameras is installed atop Baldwin Hills in Los Angeles in February 2019. Photo: Southern California Edison. The expansion coincides with research that projects an increasing…

American Chemical Society to Honor Keeling Curve in June 12 Ceremony

June 2, 2015

The American Chemical Society will designate the Keeling Curve – a long-term record of rising carbon dioxide in the planet’s atmosphere – as a National Historic Chemical Landmark in a ceremony June 12 on the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego campus.

Women Produce Skin Temperature Data that are Just as Predictable as Men

November 9, 2023

Women produce physiological data that is just as predictable as men, at least when it comes to skin temperature. This might seem like common sense, but variations in body signals due to menstrual cycles, such as temperature, were used as an excuse to keep women out of clinical studies for…

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