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Your search for “Communication” returned 4560 results

Neural Implant Monitors Multiple Brain Areas at Once, Provides New Neuroscience Insights

April 27, 2021

How do different parts of the brain communicate with each other during learning and memory formation? A study by researchers at UC San Diego takes a first step at answering this fundamental neuroscience question, thanks to a neural implant that monitors multiple brain regions at the same time.

HDSI Appoints Bradley Voytek to Faculty Fellowship

October 30, 2018

The Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute at UC-San Diego has announced the appointment of Bradley Voytek, a Cognitive Science associate professor with a strong following in science-related social media, as a Faculty Fellow of the pioneering institute. Voytek works with students in Cognitive Science, Neuroscience and Data Science, and is a…

Q&A: What is the Role of the Emergency Operations Center?

September 24, 2020

…to protect the campus community, how critical decisions are made and communicated and what a typical day is like at the Emergency Operations Center. For a behind-the-scenes look at these processes, we spoke with Dismas Abelman, Emergency Manager at UC San Diego. Q. What is the Emergency Operations Center? A.…

Shaping the Future of Diversity and Inclusion at UC San Diego

June 8, 2017

…a more equitable, inclusive community where all feel welcome, supported and able to thrive. In fall 2017, the office plans to involve the entire campus—faculty, staff and students—in developing the first campus-wide Strategic Plan for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. The plan will guide UC San Diego in its desire to…

Magnetic Fields Provide a New Way to Communicate Wirelessly

September 1, 2015

…University of California, San Diego demonstrated a new wireless communication technique that works by sending magnetic signals through the human body. The new technology could offer a lower power and more secure way to communicate information between wearable electronic devices, providing an improved alternative to existing wireless communication systems, researchers…

Dogs Use Two-Word Button Combos to Communicate, Study Shows

December 9, 2024

Study from UC San Diego’s Comparative Cognition Lab shows that dogs trained to use soundboards to “talk” are capable of making two-word button combinations that go beyond random behavior or simple imitation of their owners.

UC San Diego Receives Four International CASE Awards

June 16, 2016

…advancement services, alumni relations, communications, fundraising and marketing. UC San Diego was honored with four awards for creatively and effectively engaging internal and external audiences through print and digital publications. UC San Diego’s 2016 international Circle of Excellence CASE Award recipients include: Publications Internal Audience Periodicals—Digital University Communications and Public…

Spotlight on Faculty Research: Center for Human Development

May 16, 2011

…in the Department of Communication and he is Director of Laboratory for Comparative Human Cognition. For the past decade, he has been engaged in a large, and growing, analysis of a large number of special “microcultures” designed to promote the intellectual and social development of children. More… Sarah Creel Sarah…

Climate Change at the Crossroads

March 31, 2016

The Climate Change at the Crossroads series salutes renowned climate scientists at the UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography with three events that will shed light on different facets of climate change.

Researchers Receive NSF Grant to Develop New Quantum Technologies for Secure Communication

August 8, 2016

…manufacture microchips that would enable secure and efficient quantum communication. The technology has applications in long-distance fiber optic communication and will help advance research in quantum sensing and computing.

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