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Your search for “Cardiovascular Care” returned 405 results

UC San Diego Announces 2022 Undergraduate Library Research Prize Winners

September 1, 2022

…Landscape of COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease.” Daniel conducted his research under the mentorship of Weg M. Ongkeko, M.D., Ph.D., associate adjunct professor at the Department of Surgery at UC San Diego School of Medicine. Daniel’s research involved working with biomarkers and immune responses in the Ongkeko Lab. While normally focused…

President Obama Awards Bioengineering Professor Shu Chien National Medal of Science

October 26, 2011

…in the field of cardiovascular physiology and bioengineering. His research has led to the development of better diagnostic tests and treatments for atherosclerosis, as well as other diseases. “The truth is that today’s honorees have made a bigger difference in our lives than most of us will ever realize,” Obama…

Titans of Industry, Academia Team Up to Advance Engineering in Medicine

June 10, 2021

…blood flows in the cardiovascular system. He is one of only a handful of individuals to be awarded the U.S. National Medal of Science and to be voted into all three National Academies (Science, Medicine and Engineering). As founder of ResMed, Peter Farrell’s development of a machine that helps people…

UC San Diego Announces Chancellor’s Medal and Revelle Medal Honorees

June 19, 2014

…in the field of cardiovascular physiology and bioengineering. A UC San Diego professor of bioengineering and medicine, Chien is a world leader in the study of how blood flow and pressure affect blood vessels. His research has led to the development of better diagnostic tests and treatments for atherosclerosis as…

Q&A with the Visitors Tour Program

November 14, 2011

…and the Sulpizio Family Cardiovascular Center Favorite UC San Diego tradition: John: The Watermelon Drop at Revelle College Corlyn: Me too Bob: Same, and the Sun God Festival Jill: Sun God Favorite Stuart Collection piece: Bob: Sun God, Snake Path, Bear and Standing John: Sun God Jill: The Table Corlyn:…

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