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Your search for “California Coast” returned 412 results

Microplastics: A Macro Problem

February 13, 2020

…taken from offshore Southern California in the Santa Barbara Basin. Its contents represent a slice of geologic history, sediments that go back 200 years. Brandon used this and other cores in a recent study in which she found that the amount of plastics accumulating in the environment has exploded since…

Revealing the Secrets of Seaweeds

March 11, 2021

…the tides, these rocky coastal wonderlands are often teeming with creatures ranging from hermit crabs and octopus to small fishes and sea anemones. But beyond the scene-stealing marine critters—if you look a little closer—you will find seaweed, or algae, and lots of it. Scripps Oceanography postdoctoral scholar Immo Burkhardt sifts…

Scripps Family Members Gift $6 Million for Naming of New Facility

October 7, 2021

…2022 The University of California San Diego today announced the gift of $6 million from members of the Scripps family to support the naming of a new facility dedicated to research, discovery and education in the field of marine biodiversity and conservation at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The Marine Conservation…

UC President Makes First Visit to UC San Diego

November 4, 2021

…skies that University of California President Michael Drake made a recent visit to UC San Diego—his first since becoming president in August 2020. Over two days, President Drake toured various parts of campus, witnessing our transformation first-hand and learning more about some of our innovative and impactful research. During his…

SOARS Readies for Flight

November 18, 2021

…from the oceans reach coastal population centers? How does sea ice affect the ejection of small particles, or aerosols, into the atmosphere? “We face this incredible challenge. We’re trying to understand what’s happening on the scale of the entire planet, driven by small processes that happen over and over again,”…

As California Cliffs Erode, UC San Diego Team Works to Track and Understand these Changes

May 26, 2022

As California Cliffs Erode, UC San Diego Team Works to Track and Understand these Changes The Coastal Process Group at Scripps Instiution of Oceanography deploys a drone to conduct a LiDAR survey. Photo by Erik Jepsen/University Communications. Advanced imaging and geotechnical technology are powering understanding of our coastline and its…

UC San Diego Becomes Nation’s Youngest University to Reach $3 Billion in Fundraising Campaign

June 9, 2022

…decades, the University of California San Diego has become an international powerhouse in research, innovation, health care, the arts and education. The university announced a new landmark milestone today: it has surpassed its original $2 billion fundraising goal for the Campaign for UC San Diego by $1 billion, raising a…

Tim Barnett, Scripps Geophysicist Dies at 83

August 25, 2022

…dollars in damage to coastal communities along the eastern Pacific and the loss of as many as 2,000 lives. In response, government funding was provided to accelerate modeling at Scripps Oceanography’s Climate Research Division and other centers such as Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in New York. The effort led to Barnett’s…

Regents Approve Phase II Rehabilitation of UC San Diego’s University House

January 20, 2012

The University of California Board of Regents yesterday approved the second phase of the rehabilitation of UC San Diego’s University House.

UC San Diego Health System Expands, Acquires Nevada Cancer Institute

January 23, 2012

…health care provider. The expansion represents a partnership between California and Nevada in offering lifesaving cancer care to patients through expert diagnosis, novel treatments and clinical trials.

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