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Your search for “Animal Models” returned 332 results

Artificial Blood Vessel Lets Researchers Better Assess Clot Removal Devices

April 17, 2015

…development of endovascular technologies, including reducing the need for animal models to test new devices or approaches.

New Drug Target Improves Memory in Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

March 7, 2012

…reducing the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in an animal model representative of most AD patients.

Stem Cells Used to Successfully Regenerate Damage in Corticospinal Injury

March 28, 2016

Writing in Nature Medicine, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, with colleagues in Japan and Wisconsin, report that they have successfully directed stem cell-derived neurons to regenerate lost tissue in damaged corticospinal tracts of rats, resulting in functional benefit.

Protein Build-Up Leads to Neurons Misfiring

July 18, 2012

Using a two-photon microscope capable of peering deep within living tissue, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have found new evidence that alpha-synuclein protein build-up inside neurons causes them to not only become “leaky,” but also to misfire due to calcium fluxes.

Pesticides and Poor Nutrition Damage Animal Health

December 19, 2017

…deadly one-two punch for animals, new research shows for the first time. Researchers studied how honey bees fared with exposure to pesticides and limited nutrient sources, scenarios found in agricultural areas. They were surprised to find that bee deaths increased by up to 50 percent more than they expected.

Proposed Drug May Reverse Huntington’s Disease Symptoms

June 20, 2012

With a single drug treatment, researchers at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine can silence the mutated gene responsible for Huntington’s disease, slowing and partially reversing progression of the fatal neurodegenerative disorder in animal models.

Art Exhibit Explores Distributed Consciousness at the UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute 

January 12, 2024

An art exhibit exploring AI and non-human consciousness opens with the UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute Thursday, January 25 in Atkinson Hall.

Building Mini-Brains to Study Disorders Caused by HIV and Meth Use

February 10, 2015

…School of Medicine project involving the creation of miniature models of the human brain – developed with stem cells – to study neurological disorders caused by HIV and methamphetamine use has been named one of five recipients of the 2015 Avant-Garde Award for HIV/AIDS Research from the National Institute on…

Novel Imaging Model Helps Reveal New Therapeutic Target for Pancreatic Cancer

June 6, 2016

…of Nebraska and Ionis Pharmaceuticals describe an innovative new model that not only allowed them to track drug resistance in vivo, but also revealed a new therapeutic target.

First Jellyfish Genome Reveals Ancient Beginnings of Complex Body Plan

December 3, 2018

The first in-depth look at the genome of a jellyfish reveals the origins of a successful survival strategy. Results indicate early jellyfish recycled existing genes to morph from polyp to medusa and suggest animals can radiate into new niches and forms fairly easily.

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