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Your search for “Academic Medical Center” returned 1005 results

New UC San Diego Program Expands Campus Innovation Pipeline

December 8, 2016

The innovation ecosystem at UC San Diego will open more opportunities for campus entrepreneurs with the launch of Accelerating Innovations to Market (AIM), an ambitious program that encourages graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, researchers and faculty to develop and commercialize their problem-solving ideas.

SDSC to Enhance Campus Research Computing Resources for Bioinformatics

April 17, 2017

The San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant to augment its campus computing cluster with new capabilities for bioinformatics analyses to support researchers across campus – including the ability to conduct de-multiplexing, mapping, and variant calling of a single human genome…

Model Predicts How E. Coli Bacteria Adapt Under Stress

October 13, 2017

…adapt under environmental stress and has applications in precision medicine, where adaptive cell modeling could provide patient-specific treatments for bacterial infections.

Germs Are Your Friends, Top UC San Diego Scientist Shares the Dirt

October 17, 2017

A noted scholar and a world-leader in microbiome research, Rob Knight, Ph.D. will take guests inside the human body and share the dirt on the microbiome, the focus of his new book, published in June 2017. On Tuesday, October 24, Knight will discuss Dirt Is Good: The Advantage of Germs…

UC San Diego Scientists Create Device for Ultra-Accurate Genome Sequencing of Single Human Cells

October 31, 2017

Interdisciplinary team of UC San Diego researchers develop a way to very accurately sequence and haplotype genomes from single human cells. The breakthrough appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers Develop a Remote-Controlled Cancer Immunotherapy System

January 15, 2018

A team of researchers has developed an ultrasound-based system that can non-invasively and remotely control genetic processes in live immune T cells so that they recognize and kill cancer cells.

Clinical Trial Tests Tattoo Sensor as Needleless Glucose Monitor for Diabetes Patients

April 19, 2018

For Angela Valdez, being diagnosed with diabetes was an awakening. The disorder ran in her family, but she didn’t think it would happen to her. And when it did, she acted by modifying her diet and physical activity. She was doing everything right - almost.

Scientists Go to Great Heights to Understand Changes in Earth’s Atmosphere

June 18, 2018

Human activities—from growing rice and burning coal or wood, to driving cars and testing nuclear missiles—have impacted the Earth’s atmosphere over time. Cleansing the Earth’s environment is of growing interest in the new era of humanity, unofficially called the Anthropocene epoch. To better understand the impact of the human biogeochemical…

Marijuana Found in Breast Milk up to Six Days after Use

August 26, 2018

To better understand how much marijuana or constituent compounds actually get into breast milk and how long it remains, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine conducted a study, publishing online in Pediatrics.

UC San Diego Announces 2018 Chancellor’s Medalists

September 25, 2018

They are trailblazers, industry titans and philanthropic leaders. With their generosity, they are advancing health care, basic science and engineering to make a better tomorrow. The recipients of the University of California San Diego’s 2018 Chancellor’s Medal include: UC San Diego alumnus and Qualcomm co-founder, Franklin Antonio; former member of…

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