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Your search for “Neurosciences” returned 711 results

Longer Days Bring ‘Winter Blues’—For Rats, Not Humans

April 25, 2013

Biologists at UC San Diego have found that rats experience more anxiety and depression when the days grow longer. More importantly, they discovered that the rat’s brain cells adopt a new chemical code when subjected to large changes in the day and night cycle, flipping a switch to allow an…

UC San Diego Biologists Receive $1 Million W.M. Keck Foundation Grant

July 23, 2013

Biologists at UC San Diego who recently discovered that the brain cells of adult rats can alter the neurotransmitters they secrete in response to changes in the amount of daylight have been awarded a $1-million research grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation.

Motor Cortex Shown to Play Active Role in Learning Movement Patterns

May 4, 2014

UC San Diego neurobiologists discovered that the motor cortex of the brain plays an active role in learning new motor movements. In a series of experiments using mice, the researchers showed in detail how those movements are learned over time.

Physicists Solve Longstanding Puzzle of How Moths Find Distant Mates

October 20, 2014

Physicists have come up have with a mathematical explanation for moths’ remarkable ability to find mates in the dark hundreds of meters away.

UC San Diego Division of Arts and Humanities Hosts Lectures on Health and Well-being

December 10, 2015

The University of California, San Diego Division of Arts and Humanities hosts, “Degrees of Health and Well-being,” a public lecture series that runs from January 20 through February 24, 7:00 p.m., in the Great Hall, where six keynote speakers will present talks to campus and wider San Diego audiences.

UC San Diego Researchers Solve Mystery of Oxygenation Connections in the Brain

October 26, 2017

Scientists have known that areas of the brain with similar functions—even those in different brain hemispheres—connect to share signals when the body rests, but they haven’t known how this “resting-state connectivity” occurs. Now, scientists in the Neurophysics Laboratory at the University of California San Diego may have the answer.

New ‘4-D Goggles’ Allow Wearers to be ‘Touched’ by Approaching Objects

February 8, 2018

A team of researchers at UC San Diego and San Diego State University has developed a pair of “4-D goggles” that allows wearers to be physically “touched” by a movie when they see a looming object on the screen, such as an approaching spacecraft.

Scientists Create a Noninvasive Wearable System to Monitor Stomach Activity Throughout the Day

March 22, 2018

A team of researchers has developed a wearable, non-invasive system to monitor electrical activity in the stomach over 24 hours—essentially an electrocardiogram but for the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract. Applications include monitoring GI activity for patients outside of a clinical setting, which cuts down costs. Monitoring for longer periods of time…

Scientists Develop New Production Method for Seaweed Chemical Used in Brain Research

April 30, 2019

A team of scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego and the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) has developed a new way to produce kainic acid, a natural seaweed neurochemical and powerful reagent used in brain research.

Flyception 2.0: New Imaging Technology Tracks Complex Social Behavior

February 4, 2020

An advanced imaging technology developed at UC San Diego is allowing scientists unprecedented access into brain activities during intricate behaviors. The “Flyception2” has produced the first-ever picture of what happens in the brain during mating in any organism.

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