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Your search for “Nurse Research” returned 208 results

Becoming a Nurse in the Era of COVID-19

October 29, 2020

Registered nurses Daniel Ambler and Rose Deocampo graduated from the New Graduate Nurse Transition to Practice Program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Becoming a Nurse in the Era of COVID-19 When a nurse is asked why he or she chose to enter the profession, the common answer often revolves around the…

National Study Confirms Nurses at Higher Risk of Suicide than General Population

February 3, 2020

In the first national study of its size, researchers at UC San Diego have found that nurses are at higher risk of suicide than the general population. Results were published in the February edition of WORLDviews on Evidence Based-Nursing.

Daring to Ask the Unanswered Questions

February 27, 2023

Judy Davidson, DNP, RN, nurse scientist at UC San Diego Health, mentors other nurses with their research projects. Davidson’s passion for nurse research projects is evident with a new $1.5 million grant to study nurse suicide risk detection and prevention strategies.

Health Care Heroes: UC San Diego Nurses Pour Hearts into Caring for Patients with COVID-19

May 7, 2020

…Heroes: UC San Diego Nurses Pour Hearts into Caring for Patients with COVID-19 Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, health care workers have worked around the clock to care for patients suffering from the effects of this new virus. Nurses, such as Stephanie Lichtwardt, have become like a second…

Preventing Nurse Suicides as New Study Finds Shift in Method

December 21, 2020

In a new study, University of California San Diego School of Medicine and UC San Diego Health researchers report that the rate of firearm use by female nurses who die by suicide increased between 2014 to 2017.

New Student Program to Help Address Diversity Gap in Health Care Industry

December 14, 2022

UC San Diego Health is the only institution in the region to receive grant funding from the California Department of Health Care Access and Information to provide support for underrepresented high school students interested in entering health care.

BONE Academy Orthopedic Outreach

October 18, 2024

…health care team – whether as a surgeon, technician, nurse, physician assistant, administrative or business professional, therapist, researcher or scientist.

Addressing the Diversity Gap in Health Care

February 7, 2024

According to experts, there is a disparity between the diversity of health care staff and the patients served.

At the Front Lines of San Diego’s Hepatitis A Outbreak

October 12, 2017

…San Diego Health physicians, nurses and staff are at the forefront. Since March 2017, 121 patients were diagnosed with hepatitis A at UC San Diego Health. “In addition to treating hepatitis A patients who come to us, our goal is to identify and vaccinate as many people as we can…

Mobile Life Support Delivered to Area Hospitals During COVID-19 Pandemic

May 26, 2020

UC San Diego Health has deployed a mobile ECMO life support system to help sustain critically-ill patients during the pandemic.

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