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Your search for “Metabolism” returned 365 results

Psychedelic Supplemental

November 2, 2023

Psychedelic researchers are exploring psychedelics at all levels, from the cellular to the clinical, and in a range of fields and departments, from neuroscience and pain medicine to psychology and psychiatry.

Best New Dean of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science

August 5, 2022

Brookie Best, PharmD, has been named the next dean of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of California San Diego, succeeding James McKerrow, PhD, MD, who stepped down June 30, 2022.

A Deep Dive Into the Genetics of Alcohol Consumption

April 5, 2024

Some people have genes that protect them from alcohol abuse. An examination of databases at 23andMe reveal that those same alcohol-protective variants have associations with conditions and behaviors that may have nothing to do with alcohol.

SDSC’s Gordon Supercomputer: Parsing Genes, Proteins, and Big Bio Data

June 17, 2013

Gordon, the newest high-performance supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of San Diego, California, has proven to be a boon to biologists interested in rapidly sifting through an ever-expanding amount of data.

Liver Fibrosis ‘Off Switch’ Discovered in Mice

January 23, 2020

UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers identified several genetic switches, or transcription factors, that determine whether or not liver cells produce collagen — providing a new therapeutic target for liver fibrosis.

UC San Diego Undergraduate Synthesizes Visual Arts, Community Engagement and Scientific Research

February 1, 2018

…the impact of antibiotics on the urinary microbiome and metabolome during urinary tract infection (UTI) recovery. The project includes an art installation that uses visualizations of clinical data. Ullah is mentored by UC San Diego faculty members Rob Knight, Pieter Dorrestein, Linda Brubaker and Fonna Forman.

Combining Microbial and Chemical Fingerprints for Forensics Applications

March 15, 2018

…an individual’s microbiome and metabolome are unique, and because of that, we can track who touched what in the room.” The office environment included a desk, bookshelf, conference table, four chairs, garbage and recycling cans, the carpet-covered floor, phones, computers and computer accessories and walls. The team swabbed nearly 400…

Jumbo Undertaking: Elephant Milk Under the Microscope

January 16, 2020

…milk fat composition, the metabolome, as well as the microbiome, not only in milk, but in all parts of the mother-milk-infant triad. This is a great example of how we break down the silos within and between institutions like UC San Diego and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. It’s…

Do a Mom’s Medications Affect Her Breast Milk and Baby? New Center Investigates

September 10, 2021

UC San Diego School of Medicine receives $6.1M to launch a new research center studying the effects of maternal antibiotic use on breast milk and infant health. The center is funded by National Institutes of Health, as part of their new Maternal and Pediatric Precision in Therapeutics (MPRINT) Hub.

UC San Diego Researcher to Lead First-of-Its-Kind NASA Identical Twins Study

May 1, 2014

…for genetic, proteomic (protein-related), metabolomic and molecular markers of the effects of – and adaptations to – space flight. The standard stay on the space station is approximately six months. No human has ever lived in space for an entire year. For those who still dream of manned space explorations…

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