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Your search for “Materials” returned 1254 results

Dual Multimedia Installations Address Sonification of Endangered Coral Reefs

January 29, 2018

Two multimedia installations by Music graduate students based on the sonification of endangered coral reefs will premiere Feb. 8 as part of the 2017-2018 performance season at UC San Diego’s Initiative for Digital Exploration of Arts & Sciences (IDEAS) in the Qualcomm Institute.

STREAMING into 2020 at the Qualcomm Institute’s gallery@calit2

January 7, 2020

The Qualcomm Institute’s gallery@calit2 will launch its winter exhibit on January 14 with the first of three live events centered on culture, technology and the environment. 

Researchers See an Increase in Fraudulent COVID-19 Posts on Social Media

August 25, 2020

In a new study from UC San Diego School of Medicine, thousands of fake social media posts tied to COVID-19 and financial scams are found on two popular platforms.

Transforming Mexico through Innovation

October 27, 2016

…Alfonso Tames, CEO of Materiam; and Maria Novales-Flamarique, Generation Mexico director at the McKinsey Social Initiative. Escalera Foundation director Molly Fisher moderated. “All five of our guests embody the leadership and entrepreneurial spirt that are crucial ingredients to moving Mexico forward through creating opportunities,” Floca said. Access, productivity and support…

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