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Your search for “Materials Science” returned 975 results

Breakthrough with Quantum Materials Pushes Biologically Inspired Learning Devices

April 14, 2021

UC San Diego physicists have created new artificial devices that mimic basic learning functions carried out by neurons in the human brain. They demonstrated how quantum materials could be used to develop new devices that can “learn” to switch between functional states.

New Nano Materials Inspired by Bird Feathers Play with Light to Create Color

May 13, 2015

Inspired by the way iridescent bird feathers play with light, scientists have created thin films of material in a wide range of pure colors — from red to green — with hues determined by physical structure rather than pigments.

Biodegradable ‘Living Plastic’ Houses Bacterial Spores That Help It Break Down

April 30, 2024

A new type of bioplastic could help reduce the plastic industry’s environmental footprint. Researchers have developed a biodegradable form of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) filled with bacterial spores that, when exposed to nutrients present in compost, germinate and break down the material at the end of its life cycle.

How DNA Can Take on the Properties of Sand or Toothpaste

May 2, 2016

…DNA behave like sand or toothpaste? When the genetic material is so densely packed within a virus, it can behave like grains of sand or toothpaste in a tube. That’s essentially what biophysicists at UC San Diego discovered when they began closely examining the physical properties of DNA jammed inside…

Mayer Hall Recognized for Historical Contributions to Physics

July 2, 2021

The American Physical Society has designated UC San Diego’s Mayer Hall as a historic site in recognition of the groundbreaking accomplishments of UC San Diego physicists Walter Kohn and Lu Sham and their development of the “Kohn-Sham equation.”

Nanomaterial Self-Assembly Imaged in Real Time

June 8, 2015

A team of researchers from UC San Diego, Florida State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratories has for the first time visualized the growth of “nanoscale” chemical complexes in real time, demonstrating that processes in liquids at the scale of one-billionth of a meter can be documented as they happen.

New Solar Power Material Converts 90 Percent of Captured Light into Heat

October 30, 2014

…developed a new nanoparticle-based material for concentrating solar power plants designed to absorb and convert to heat more than 90 percent of the sunlight it captures. The new material can also withstand temperatures greater than 700 degrees Celsius and survive many years outdoors in spite of exposure to air and…

Georgia Tech Engineers Simulate Solar Cell Work Using Supercomputers

June 22, 2020

Because of silicon’s relatively high cost, hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) have emerged as a lower-cost and highly efficient option for solar power, according to a study by Georgia Institute of Technology researchers.

Scientists Design Energy-Carrying Particles Called ‘Topological Plexcitons’

June 9, 2016

Scientists at UC San Diego, MIT and Harvard University have engineered “topological plexcitons,” energy-carrying particles that could help make possible the design of new kinds of solar cells and miniaturized optical circuitry.

Physicists Receive $12.6M From Department of Energy to Continue Exploring Next-Generation Computing

September 28, 2022

Through a highly competitive process, the Department of Energy (DOE) has announced $12.6 million in renewed funding for Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C) — led by the University of California San Diego.

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