Faculty Awards and Honors November 2011

James Andreoni
Professor of Economics
Award - Fellow of the Econometric Society

Diana Deutsch
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Award - Science Writing Award for Professionals in Acoustics from the Acoustical Society of America

Ayelet Gneezy
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Award - Robert B. Cialdini Award for excellence in a published field study
More Info: UC San Diego News Release

William Kuperman
Professor of Oceanography
Award - The Walter Munk Award
More Info: tos.org/awards_honors/munk_award.html

Robert Pinkel
Professor of Oceanography
Award - The Henry Stommel Research Award
More Info: 2012 Award Recipients(PDF)

Nicholas Spitzer
Professor of Neurobiology
Award - Faculty Research Award

Joel Watson
Professor of Economics
Award - Fellow of the Econometric Society