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Your search for “Triton Center” returned 456 results

Painting a Picture of UC San Diego’s Incoming LGBT Class

December 1, 2016

…students. The LGBT Resource Center offers programming and resources to explore issues relating to sexual and gender identities, practices and politics. “I did not have the option to express how I identify on any of the other college applications that I submitted, so I really appreciated that the opportunity was…

Students Reach Out to San Diego Families in Need for “Operation Santa”

November 15, 2012

Students at the University of California, San Diego are spreading the holiday spirit with the annual service project, “Operation Santa.” The campus’s service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, sponsors “Operation Santa” each year to bring holiday joy to families in need throughout San Diego County.

UC San Diego Computer Scientists Triumph at Data Processing Competition

November 7, 2014

…a team from the Center for Networked Systems (CNS) at the University of California, San Diego came roaring back to set three new world records in a data processing competition for industry and academe. CNS associate director George Porter, former CNS director Amin Vahdat (now at Google), and Computer Science…

Neighborhoods and Nosh: A Look at What’s Coming to Campus

September 26, 2023

This fall, UC San Diego will be able to provide on-campus housing to nearly 14,000 undergraduate students. Beyond beds, new projects bring space for a new undergraduate college, innovative green features, diverse dining, campus-inspired art and open space for all to enjoy.

Say Hello to TritonGPT

March 19, 2024

There’s a new bot on campus. Meet TritonGPT—UC San Diego’s specialized artificial intelligence-powered information and resource assistant.

Code and Community: Computational Social Science Program Addresses Social Questions with Data

January 30, 2024

UC San Diego is now offering a one-year master of science degree in CSS, as well as a PhD specialization and a minor for interested students.

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