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Your search for “Student Life” returned 2241 results

Making Every Drop Count: UC San Diego Steps Up Water Conservation Efforts

April 30, 2015

…Water – The California Lifestyle Big projects make a big impact What’s going on “behind-the-scenes” will have a significant impact on the campus’s efforts to conserve water. Recycled water is already in use at the university’s East Campus Utilities Plant and will offset potable water use in the plant’s cooling…

Tethered for Months to Floating Sea Ice, Scripps Researchers Join Largest-Ever International Arctic

January 16, 2020

…of Oceanography. Bowman’s graduate student, Emelia Chamberlain, will join R/V Polarstern on May 29 for two legs or a total of six months. The data she plans to collect is the backbone of her future dissertation on “how sea ice breathes,” she said. “I’m interested in the microscopic organisms that…

Bending the Curve

November 5, 2015

…collective population of 500,000 students, staff and faculty ­– the equivalent of what would be one of California’s largest cities – the 10 UC campuses will play a substantial role in helping the state meet its overall climate change-mitigation goals. Janet Napolitano was a featured speaker at the summit. The…

Breaking Through to the Brain

May 5, 2022

…patient’s long-term quality of life. “It’s really a dire state for these patients, and TBI is unfortunately quite prevalent,” said Kwon. “Patients with a traumatic brain injury will often experience changes in their motor function, their cognitive abilities and psychosocial behavior, such as depression.” Overcoming the blood-brain barrier Diagnosing and…

Give Volunteering a Shot

January 28, 2021

…least help make people’s lives a little easier as we grapple with it. I appreciate just how lucky and privileged I am to have a comfortable home to share with my immediate family, a good job and my health at this time. So not even rain could make me miss…

Talk of a “Twindemic”

September 17, 2020

…mask and save a life Socially distance Wash your hands frequently These three basic acts of social responsibility and compassion fundamentally slow and reduce the spread and incidence of COVID-19. They work equally well against the flu and, in fact, are credited with shortening the 2019-2020 flu season earlier this…

Transforming Clinical Recording of Deep Brain Activity with a New Take on Sensor Manufacturing

January 17, 2024

Sensors built with a new manufacturing approach are capable of recording activity deep within the brain from large populations of individual neurons–with a resolution of as few as one or two neurons–in humans as well as a range of animal models.

Eyes on Wildfires

November 5, 2020

…interdisciplinary team of faculty, students, and staff at UC San Diego,” said Falko Kuester, ALERTWildfire team member and professor at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego. “The team includes members with expertise in earth systems science, computer science and engineering, electrical and computer engineering, mechanical and aerospace…

Serving Diverse Digital Tech Users

May 27, 2021

…San Diego’s Office for Students with Disabilities, both of whom serve on the EAOC. “Our main goal was to help attendees learn how to be an accessible digital marketer, web navigator and tech implementor,” said Dandle. “In order to do this most efficiently, we asked the audience to step into…

Friedmann Recognized for Pioneering Gene Therapy Research

January 29, 2015

…of pediatrics, and medical student Michael Lesch in 1964. The feat was a powerful proof-of-concept, but subsequent efforts to advance the work to human clinical trials stalled. “We began to realize that it would be very complicated to take this idea and make it work in people,” Friedmann said, who…

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