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Your search for “Research Expo” returned 892 results

UC San Diego Health Joins International Clinical Trial to Test Coronavirus Vaccine

October 1, 2020

UC San Diego Health will be a test site for a third, major Phase III clinical trial to assess a vaccine candidate for the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Sponsored by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, the trial will recruit up to 60,000 participants at sites in the United States and worldwide.

Center Brings Doctors, Scientists Together to Improve Health of Mother and Child

June 15, 2021

The Center for Perinatal Discovery at UC San Diego brings doctors and researchers together for clinical, translational and basic research to better understand maternal health, environmental exposures, fertility, pregnancy and the health of children.

Human Sperm Mutations that can Cause Disease in Children Identified

August 12, 2021

UC San Diego researchers have described a new method for observing and counting mutations in sperm, and how to use this data to predict the likely impact of these mutations on future children.

Genetically Informed Atlases Reveal New Landscapes in Brain Structure

February 7, 2022

An international team of scientists, led by UC San Diego researchers, has used atlases of the human brain informed by genetics to identify hundreds of genomic loci. The findings illuminate how genes impact the brain and diseases.

With Roommates, It’s All About Chemistry, Molecularly Speaking

June 24, 2022

UC San Diego researchers describe how the microbiomes of people and the homes they live in interact and change each other.

Mathematical Model Helps Predict Anal Cancer Risk in Persons with HIV Infection

July 1, 2022

UC San Diego researchers have created a mathematical model to help predict risk of anal cancer in persons with HIV infection and aid patients and doctors regarding screening decisions.

Critical Questions

September 26, 2022

Researchers study human milk, pregnancy and COVID-19. This story appeared in the Fall 2022 issue of UC San Diego Magazine.

Genetic Score Predicts Risk of Lethal Prostate Cancer

October 31, 2022

Researchers at UC San Diego report that a polygenic hazard score based on 290 genetic variants could be an effective tool for predicting genetic risk of lethal prostate cancer, which kills more than 34,000 men in the U.S. annually.

12th Annual Dinner in the Library Focuses on ‘Building for the Future’ Sept. 18

August 17, 2015

The University of California, San Diego’s 12th annual Dinner in the Library will take place Friday, Sept. 18 in the university’s iconic Geisel Library building. The event, which is open to the public, will celebrate the theme “Building for the Future,” with proceeds supporting the UC San Diego Library’s collections,…

DNA Day Features UC San Diego Faculty, Alumni Speakers

October 31, 2016

UC San Diego’s Computer Science and Engineering department and Illumina Inc. co-sponsored DNA Day 2016, a day-long workshop featuring talks and cutting-edge bioinformatics and genomics research, including several speakers with dual appointments in CSE and the UC San Diego School of Medicine.

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