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Your search for “Computer Science” returned 1968 results

Keeping Track of Time in Cyber-Physical Systems

June 13, 2014

The National Science Foundation today announced a five-year, $4 million “Frontier” award to tackle the challenge of time in cyber-physical systems (CPS)—engineered systems that are built from and depend upon the seamless integration of computational algorithms and physical components.

UC San Diego Invention Saving Consumers Trillions of Watt Hours and Millions of Dollars

September 7, 2011

A University of California, San Diego technology that significantly reduces the amount of energy wasted by chips in computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices has recently passed the trillion watt-hour milestone in energy savings, according to the technology’s current licensee, Tela Innovations.

Building a Voice Assistant for Older Adults

April 28, 2021

Computer scientists at the University of California San Diego received an Amazon Research Award to develop a voice assistant to better communicate with older adults. Their initial goal is to create a system capable of understanding and answering the medical questions of adults over age 65.

Cognitive Science Alumnus Chris Fry Leads Twitter to New Heights

April 3, 2014

Cognitive Science Alumnus Chris Fry Leads Twitter to New Heights Chris Fry It is Chris Fry’s job, as senior vice president of engineering at Twitter, to make sure his flock of engineers continues to fly in formation. Fry is an expert engineer whose team does a number of things, including…

Cygames, Inc. and UC San Diego Announce Joint Research Initiative

December 19, 2017

Japanese game developer Cygames, Inc. announced today an academic collaboration with the UC San Diego Center for Research in Entertainment and Learning to create an “x-reality” lab for long-term basic research and shared instrumentation.

Supercomputing Our Way to Better Materials

May 22, 2014

…Impatience drives the materials science research of Shyue Ping Ong. The professor of nanoengineering says the world cannot afford to wait for a slow trial and error approach to discover new materials that could be used to build more energy-efficient technologies. The crisis of global climate change demands a faster…

Paul Kube Honored as Computer Science Educator

June 11, 2015

…Paul Kube Honored as Computer Science Educator Endowed chair created in Kube’s name at UC San Diego Jennifer Lu took four computer science courses with Lecturer Emeritus Paul Kube at the University of California, San Diego. She clearly remembers her first computer science class on campus. It came after a…

Bill Nye Comes to Campus as ‘The Data Science Guy’

March 8, 2018

…possible the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute. Photos by Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications Bill Nye Comes to Campus as ‘The Data Science Guy’ Bill Nye, as everyone knows, is The Science Guy—a self-described science nerd with a bow tie whose PBS television show in the late 1990s inspired a generation…

Security Sleuths: UC San Diego Computer Scientists’ Solutions to Security Issues Withstand the Test

December 22, 2022

The cybersecurity research outlined in five papers by UC San Diego computer scientists in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Security and Cryptography group has been recognized for shaping the present and future of their fields.

Physicists Practice ‘Spin Control’ to Improve Information Processing

July 16, 2018

Currently, information-processing tools like computers and cell phones rely on electron charge to operate. A team of UC San Diego physicists, however, seek alternative systems of faster, more energy-efficient signal processing. They do this by using “excitons,” electrically neutral quasiparticles that exist in insulators, semiconductors and in some liquids. And…

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